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Not sure if you're a good fit?

Book a free 10 minute discovery call by emailing us at or by calling or texting us at 303-797-5595.


Your Vera team is with you every step of the way. Below is a collection of the questions we hear most often, with responses provided by our own Vera Health and Fertility experts.

Still can’t find what you’re seeking? Feel free to call or text us at 303.797.5595 or

Do you take insurance?

Instead of taking traditional insurance, we offer self pay prices. We spend much more time with you and do a much more in-depth evaluation and treatment plan than what traditional insurance covers. If you have out-of-network benefits, we will give you a superbill to submit to your insurance for reimbursement for your care. We cannot see Medicaid or Medicare patients at this time.

Do you take care of pregnant patients?

We are happy to see you for your first trimester care, especially if you have a history of infertility, miscarriage, early bleeding, low progesterone or other early pregnancy concerns. We like to see you right away when you first have a positive pregnancy test and go through all your history to help plan your care for pregnancy and do everything possible to have a successful 9 months! We then see you at 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 10 weeks and 12 weeks of pregnancy. We perform ultrasounds at each of these visits so you can watch your little baby grow! We can also draw all your pregnancy blood work including genetic testing, and any other testing needed specific to your health history. After 12 weeks, you graduate from Vera and transfer to your OB where you receive the remainder of your prenatal care and deliver your baby. 

What if I need to cancel my membership?

We understand and are here for you! You can cancel your membership at any time. 

What if I just want a discovery call before committing to an appointment?

We can schedule a free 10 minute Discovery Call with our providers to talk about your case and see if we are the right fit for you. Please know that we cannot give medical advice during these calls but we can discuss our approach to your circumstances. Just send us an email at or give us a call at 303-797-5595 and we will get that scheduled for you!

What about bloodwork, medications and imaging?

We perform all our own pelvic ultrasounds in the office for $250. We also can draw your blood here at Vera. If you have insurance, we can bill any bloodwork, outside imaging, and medications through your insurance. We can also offer you a self-pay price for labs.

Do you see men?

Yes! Please schedule an Initial Male Fertility Visit and we can discuss any issues that may be affecting male fertility.